Sunday, 14 November 2010


Photography is the process, activity and art of creating still or moving pictures [1]. We use photography to turn our imagination into reality. We use this medium to capture the little moments and times that will not be there later on. Like something to hold on to. Creating memories. Photographs evoke the essence of places we have not been or we perhaps will not return to, and should never forget [2]. Photography is a visual artwork [3]. It’s just not the images we capture that matters, its how you present it. How we take something very simple and turn them into something extraordinary. One has to be passionate about it to create and turn something very mundane into something imaginative, creative and lively, such as, a strand of barbed wire becomes romantic [4] . Photography and painting are both alike. They both are ways to express our imaginations and creativity. Though in paintings, it’s directly what you’re imagining whereas photography is using objects around you to turn your imagination into reality. Make them come alive. “Photography is only a tool, a vehicle, for expressing or transmitting a passion in something else" [5].

( [2, 3, 4, 5]   [1])